accelerated methodsの例文
- A Gram-Schmidt process could 1990 ), repeatedly averaging the matrix with its inverse transpose . has published an accelerated method with a convenient convergence test.
- He is the lead author of the NV _ path _ rendering extension a GPU-accelerated method for rendering vector graphics . http : / / on-demand . gputechconf . com / gtc / 2014 / presentations / S4810-accelerating-vector-graphics-mobile-web . pdf http : / / on-demand . gputechconf . com / gtc / 2014 / video / S4810-accelerating-vector-graphics-mobile-web . mp4
- Wilhelm works in a metal building 100 feet from his home in Grinnell, where he tests the photographs under various conditions and monitors their condition with a densiometer that detects any fading He uses accelerated methods in his testing, so it is not necessary to wait 50 years, for instance, to gauge how much a given paper will fade in 50 years ..